Tuesday, 12 February 2019

And relax.....

The next day we took a LONG drive from Dobrich to Plovdiv. Whilst it was long it was also stunning. The views of the mountains were amazing, the roads in the mountains weren't so amazing!!
We arrived at the hotel, had dinner, booked some treatments for the next day and hit the sack.
I think that nights sleep was the worst. Before I explain more I just want to tell you something...... In Bulgaria dogs bark all night, every night. Big dogs, small dogs, every bloody dog. I vividly remember texting my friend upon waking on our first morning asking if it happens everywhere in Bulgaria. 'oh yes' she replied 'you get used to it'. OH JOY!
So back to the first morning at the spa hotel. My husband always wakes up and says 'morning baby, I love you' (how cute is he?!). This particular morning he said this as usually followed by 'I don't love the big dog or cockerell though. Fucking pricks'. Then turned over and went back to sleep!!!
'Big dog' had a very loud and low bark and had been barking, and setting off a million other dogs, all night. The Cockerell decided to join in at about 2am and also carried in all night. Roll on the point we are 'used to it'!!
We had breakfast at the hotel. Matt can't understand why they always give you salad with breakfast!! He doesn't like salad at the best of times but point blank refuses to have it for breakfast!! Bulgarian yogurt for breakfast is YUMMY and, as it was a vineyard hotel, we had grape jam which was amazing.
Went for a drive to check out a ruin of a church. Car was making a strange noise so pulled over to discover we had a flat type. Ahhh the Bulgarian roads had taken their toll. A quick change to the spare (by matt as I have no idea!) and on we went.
The ruins were fab to see. I ended up sunbathing (in November!!) on a bench while Matt did arty things with his camera.

Back to the hotel for an afternoon of spa stuff. It was Matts first time in a spa, he was a little uncomfortable! We bathed in a double ended bath of red wine and herbs while drinking red wine. I have always hated red wine with a passion until this point. No matter which one I tried it always tasted of vinegar. I loved the one they gave me in the spa! How random is that?!
Then we each had a massage. From a man. Now Matt is a kinda rough round the edges, skin head, tattooed, rugby player type of man. He had never had a massage before and was quite nervous anyway. Let's put it this way, he was not at all relaxed by the end of it and I don't think he will be having one again! I however was totally blissed out. Makes no difference to me who does the massage as long as they are good at it!
As it was our last night we had a huge dinner with more red wine before packing ready to leave first thing.
Little did we know just how eventful the next day would be!

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