Tuesday, 5 February 2019

More viewings ......

Finding our next place to stay was, ummm, interesting!
We know at the time but post codes in Bulgaria are pretty pointless when trying to find somewhere. They are just an area code for the village. And yet again the sat nav proved useless! We drove round and round and round the village for ages trying to find the guest house.
In the end we parked at the local shop and  the owner walked down to meet us and direct us.

This time we were in a little flat attached to the bungalow of an English couple. Whilst is was perfect in every way, ideal for a holiday, it confirmed to us that we don't want to move to Bulgaria and turn our house into a typical English home! You could have picked up that house and put it in the brand new housing estate in the UK and it would have fit in perfectly. Whilst we know that's what some people want, its not for us.

I was super super tired after so much driving so hubby braved taking the car to the local shop and bought something to cook for tea. We weren't certain what it was but it was nice!!

Next morning we were picked up by another agent and taken to look at about 6 houses. The first 5 weren't suitable and we were feeling a little down hearted. But then we drove up to number 6 and WOW. It was on the side of a hill with stunning views. It had a new roof and the inside needed very little work. It had a HUGE workshop with furniture making machines that could come as part of the sale. The land was ok, nicely laid out but on a slope. The owners were by far the nicest we had met, we were fed stewed apples and given a bottle of Rakia (OMG!) and home made wine.

The agent dropped us at into the nearest town so we could have lunch and a wander round. Getting a taxi to take us back to the guest house was interesting, the driver phoned a friend to translate for us! He got a big tip for being so helpful.

That evening we decided that we were exhausted so booked a spa hotel for the next few nights. Another long drive tomorrow to get there but it was our honeymoon so we felt we deserved some us time in a nice hotel.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing pictures and hearing about your new house


Well its been a while!

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